After agreeing a date and discussing your workshop, you will receive a booking form to sign and a request for the £50 deposit. Nearer the date, we will discuss details for the day and some worksheets will be emailed to you to print off.
Workshops are around 90 minutes per group, but this can vary considerably according to age, number of classes, and the teacher's requirements. The Evolution workshop is best if given a longer time. We aim to fit in with your school day where possible. Most workshops can be extended, with additional activities, to last all day, or be shortened if necessary. Different workshops can be provided for different (or the same) year groups on the same day wherever possible.
The workshops
A large number of rocks, fossils, artefacts etc. are brought into your school for pupils to handle and examine, as well as tools; maps; charts; microscopes; reconstructions and replicas. Scientific concepts and information are absorbed through games, discussions, puzzles, and the pupils' own explorations of specimens.
Pupils work in small groups, examining specimens, making observations, and undertaking scientific investigations. There are plenty of opportunities to ask and answer questions. Workshops are linked with curriculum topics, but also have a strong emphasis on problem-solving and working scientifically. There are numerous opportunities for pupils to apply their existing skills and knowledge to new challenges. For example they may record or read data in new ways, or apply their knowledge of modern plants and animals to interpreting fossil ones.
If you wish to emphasise a specific area, curriculum topic, or aspect of Working Scientifically; would like preparatory or follow-on material; or wish to "mix and match" pieces of different workshops, please call to discuss. This shouldn't be a problem. Very little writing is required during the workshops but workbooks or record sheets are provided for pupils to make written records of their activities.
Usually, 45 to 60 children can be accommodated in one group, if space is available, but 30-45 per group is preferable. Up to 5 or more groups can be accommodated in one day eg. for whole-school science days or large year groups.
Most workshops can be done in a classroom, but larger groups will require a hall to be available (please leave spare time if the hall is needed for lunches or before/after school clubs). The main logistical requirement is lots of tables / desks (chairs not necessary). For Evolution & Inheritance powerpoint facilities are vey desirable. A parking space close to the building is also needed.